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Using fuzzy c-means clustering, we regrouped temporal expression patterns during embryonic development as well as during oral regeneration of Nematostella vectensis. Clicking on a cluster will display all associated genes . Ticking a checkbox in the table then 'Compare!' will bring you to the results page of that transcript.
References for regeneration and novel embryonic datasets: Warner et al(a), 2017, Warner et al(b), 2017. Re-analyzed embryonic datasets: Fischer et al. 2014,Tulin et al. 2013,and Helm et al. 2013
click on a row to view the other nr hits
ID | mfuzz regen clust | mfuzz regen score | mfuzz embryo clust | mfuzz embryo score | Uniprot ID | Uniprot description | top nr_hit eval |
NvERTx.4.118966 | R-7 | 0.999870336123 | E-1 | 0.999912180181 | Q8NI36 | WD repeat-containing protein 36 | gi|1005436280|ref|XP_015755639.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36-like [Acropora digitifera], 5e-192 |
other nr_hits | gi|1126178762|ref|XP_019621753.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36-like [Branchiostoma belcheri] 2e-185; gi|260806993|ref|XP_002598368.1|hypothetical protein BRAFLDRAFT_276592 [Branchiostoma floridae] 1e-183; gi|919085143|ref|XP_013379759.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36-like isoform X2 [Lingula anatina] 3e-180; gi|919085141|ref|XP_013379758.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36-like isoform X1 [Lingula anatina] 7e-178; gi|676457880|ref|XP_009054794.1|hypothetical protein LOTGIDRAFT_215492 [Lottia gigantea] 6e-175; gi|390333968|ref|XP_780489.3|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36 [Strongylocentrotus purpuratus] 3e-173; gi|926632627|ref|XP_013782088.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36-like [Limulus polyphemus] 2e-170; gi|443714537|gb|ELU06901.1|hypothetical protein CAPTEDRAFT_166004 [Capitella teleta] 4e-170; gi|762157563|ref|XP_011416939.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36 [Crassostrea gigas] 5e-169; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.225589 | R-7 | 0.999870336123 | E-1 | 0.999912180181 | Q8NI36 | WD repeat-containing protein 36 | gi|999979148|gb|KXJ18322.1|WD repeat-containing protein 36 [Exaiptasia pallida], 3e-16 |
other nr_hits | gi|1005436280|ref|XP_015755639.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36-like [Acropora digitifera] 4e-14; gi|919085141|ref|XP_013379758.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36-like isoform X1 [Lingula anatina] 1e-13; gi|919085143|ref|XP_013379759.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36-like isoform X2 [Lingula anatina] 1e-13; gi|1083286973|ref|XP_018592137.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36 [Scleropages formosus] 2e-13; gi|938076344|gb|KPP73152.1|hypothetical protein Z043_107784 [Scleropages formosus] 2e-13; gi|762157563|ref|XP_011416939.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36 [Crassostrea gigas] 2e-13; gi|405963122|gb|EKC28722.1|WD repeat-containing protein 36 [Crassostrea gigas] 2e-13; gi|957832537|ref|XP_014666285.1|PREDICTED: WD repeat-containing protein 36-like [Priapulus caudatus] 4e-13; gi|443714537|gb|ELU06901.1|hypothetical protein CAPTEDRAFT_166004 [Capitella teleta] 5e-13; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.101675 | R-7 | 0.99986902733 | E-5 | 1.0 | Q62384 | Zinc finger protein ZPR1 | gi|156382714|ref|XP_001632697.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 4e-254 |
other nr_hits | gi|999973896|gb|KXJ13070.1|Zinc finger protein ZPR1 [Exaiptasia pallida] 4e-148; gi|966669271|gb|KTG02652.1|hypothetical protein cypCar_00029193 [Cyprinus carpio] 8e-141; gi|1025116084|ref|XP_016349082.1|PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZPR1-like [Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis] 1e-139; gi|966710234|gb|KTG42472.1|hypothetical protein cypCar_00010146 [Cyprinus carpio] 3e-139; gi|1101602542|ref|XP_018966505.1|PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZPR1 isoform X2 [Cyprinus carpio] 4e-139; gi|47085851|ref|NP_998273.1|zinc finger protein ZPR1 [Danio rerio] 1e-138; gi|1025152840|ref|XP_016416875.1|PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZPR1-like [Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous] 2e-138; gi|1049220375|ref|XP_017548177.1|PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZPR1 [Pygocentrus nattereri] 2e-138; gi|556949170|ref|XP_005987287.1|PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZPR1 isoform X1 [Latimeria chalumnae] 6e-138; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.101676 | R-7 | 0.99986902733 | E-5 | 1.0 | Q62384 | Zinc finger protein ZPR1 | gi|156382714|ref|XP_001632697.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 4e-254 |
other nr_hits | gi|999973896|gb|KXJ13070.1|Zinc finger protein ZPR1 [Exaiptasia pallida] 4e-148; gi|966669271|gb|KTG02652.1|hypothetical protein cypCar_00029193 [Cyprinus carpio] 8e-141; gi|1025116084|ref|XP_016349082.1|PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZPR1-like [Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis] 1e-139; gi|966710234|gb|KTG42472.1|hypothetical protein cypCar_00010146 [Cyprinus carpio] 3e-139; gi|1101602542|ref|XP_018966505.1|PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZPR1 isoform X2 [Cyprinus carpio] 4e-139; gi|47085851|ref|NP_998273.1|zinc finger protein ZPR1 [Danio rerio] 1e-138; gi|1025152840|ref|XP_016416875.1|PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZPR1-like [Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous] 2e-138; gi|1049220375|ref|XP_017548177.1|PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZPR1 [Pygocentrus nattereri] 2e-138; gi|556949170|ref|XP_005987287.1|PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZPR1 isoform X1 [Latimeria chalumnae] 6e-138; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.198213 | R-7 | 0.999868958526 | E-5 | 0.99999995926 | Q7TPV4 | Myb-binding protein 1A | gi|156397064|ref|XP_001637712.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 6e-244 |
other nr_hits | gi|999986778|gb|KXJ25907.1|Myb-binding protein 1A [Exaiptasia pallida] 3e-191; gi|156397058|ref|XP_001637709.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis] 2e-164; gi|1005476816|ref|XP_015775175.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Acropora digitifera] 5e-113; gi|260801974|ref|XP_002595869.1|hypothetical protein BRAFLDRAFT_84237 [Branchiostoma floridae] 6e-101; gi|1126159524|ref|XP_019620294.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Branchiostoma belcheri] 1e-94; gi|780154790|ref|XP_788351.4|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Strongylocentrotus purpuratus] 7e-93; gi|1026961583|ref|XP_016609976.1|hypothetical protein SPPG_02445 [Spizellomyces punctatus DAOM BR117] 5e-65; gi|828206284|ref|XP_004208006.2|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein, partial [Hydra vulgaris] 3e-63; gi|1045913187|gb|OCH90301.1|hypothetical protein OBBRIDRAFT_887807 [Obba rivulosa] 2e-55; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.198214 | R-7 | 0.999868958526 | E-5 | 0.99999995926 | O60094 | DNA polymerase V | gi|156397064|ref|XP_001637712.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 2e-211 |
other nr_hits | gi|1005476816|ref|XP_015775175.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Acropora digitifera] 2e-83; gi|999986778|gb|KXJ25907.1|Myb-binding protein 1A [Exaiptasia pallida] 1e-78; gi|1126159524|ref|XP_019620294.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Branchiostoma belcheri] 1e-54; gi|291222407|ref|XP_002731208.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 4e-51; gi|780154790|ref|XP_788351.4|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Strongylocentrotus purpuratus] 1e-50; gi|597985941|ref|XP_007364666.1|hypothetical protein DICSQDRAFT_135562 [Dichomitus squalens LYAD-421 SS1] 4e-50; gi|636610703|ref|XP_008036486.1|hypothetical protein TRAVEDRAFT_57898 [Trametes versicolor FP-101664 SS1] 4e-50; gi|691789144|embl|CDO74877.1|hypothetical protein BN946_scf185004.g27 [Trametes cinnabarina] 6e-50; gi|1112957671|gb|OJT11132.1|DNA polymerase V [Trametes pubescens] 1e-49; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.198215 | R-7 | 0.999868958526 | E-5 | 0.99999995926 | O60094 | DNA polymerase V | gi|156397064|ref|XP_001637712.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 3e-172 |
other nr_hits | gi|999986778|gb|KXJ25907.1|Myb-binding protein 1A [Exaiptasia pallida] 1e-64; gi|1005476816|ref|XP_015775175.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Acropora digitifera] 1e-61; gi|1126159524|ref|XP_019620294.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Branchiostoma belcheri] 2e-43; gi|291222407|ref|XP_002731208.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 2e-43; gi|926651284|ref|XP_013792169.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Limulus polyphemus] 2e-41; gi|470457260|ref|XP_004341121.1|DNA-directed DNA polymerase [Acanthamoeba castellanii str. Neff] 3e-39; gi|780154790|ref|XP_788351.4|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Strongylocentrotus purpuratus] 6e-36; gi|929761805|ref|XP_014155883.1|hypothetical protein SARC_05730 [Sphaeroforma arctica JP610] 4e-35; gi|260801974|ref|XP_002595869.1|hypothetical protein BRAFLDRAFT_84237 [Branchiostoma floridae] 2e-33; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.198216 | R-7 | 0.999868958526 | E-5 | 0.99999995926 | Q7TPV4 | Myb-binding protein 1A | gi|156397064|ref|XP_001637712.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 0e+00 |
other nr_hits | gi|999986778|gb|KXJ25907.1|Myb-binding protein 1A [Exaiptasia pallida] 3e-252; gi|156397058|ref|XP_001637709.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis] 3e-164; gi|1005476816|ref|XP_015775175.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Acropora digitifera] 5e-158; gi|1126159524|ref|XP_019620294.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Branchiostoma belcheri] 1e-131; gi|260801974|ref|XP_002595869.1|hypothetical protein BRAFLDRAFT_84237 [Branchiostoma floridae] 8e-126; gi|780154790|ref|XP_788351.4|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein [Strongylocentrotus purpuratus] 3e-123; gi|1026961583|ref|XP_016609976.1|hypothetical protein SPPG_02445 [Spizellomyces punctatus DAOM BR117] 1e-89; gi|919084350|ref|XP_013379454.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein isoform X1 [Lingula anatina] 6e-81; gi|919084353|ref|XP_013379455.1|PREDICTED: myb-binding protein 1A-like protein isoform X2 [Lingula anatina] 2e-80; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.198217 | R-7 | 0.999868958526 | E-5 | 0.99999995926 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.197520 | R-7 | 0.999868550105 | E-4 | 0.99995557791 | P25787 | Proteasome subunit alpha type-2 | gi|156387508|ref|XP_001634245.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 5e-129 |
other nr_hits | gi|999976130|gb|KXJ15304.1|Proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Exaiptasia pallida] 6e-124; gi|1005473725|ref|XP_015773662.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Acropora digitifera] 3e-119; gi|291241557|ref|XP_002740669.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 1e-113; gi|1126198096|ref|XP_019632247.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Branchiostoma belcheri] 3e-113; gi|1024922826|ref|XP_016338732.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2-like [Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis] 3e-112; gi|1025274910|ref|XP_016375638.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2-like [Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous] 4e-112; gi|831293884|ref|XP_012678601.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Clupea harengus] 7e-112; gi|1049207937|ref|XP_017550067.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Pygocentrus nattereri] 9e-112; gi|66773056|ref|NP_001019612.1|proteasome alpha 2 subunit [Danio rerio] 9e-112; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.197521 | R-7 | 0.999868550105 | E-4 | 0.99995557791 | P25787 | Proteasome subunit alpha type-2 | gi|156387508|ref|XP_001634245.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 1e-61 |
other nr_hits | gi|999976130|gb|KXJ15304.1|Proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Exaiptasia pallida] 2e-58; gi|1005473725|ref|XP_015773662.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Acropora digitifera] 1e-54; gi|291241557|ref|XP_002740669.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 4e-52; gi|1139845061|ref|XP_019919235.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 isoform X2 [Crassostrea gigas] 1e-51; gi|762153684|ref|XP_011414884.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 isoform X1 [Crassostrea gigas] 1e-51; gi|961098113|ref|XP_014774481.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Octopus bimaculoides] 1e-51; gi|1126198096|ref|XP_019632247.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Branchiostoma belcheri] 3e-51; gi|260835984|ref|XP_002612987.1|hypothetical protein BRAFLDRAFT_114223 [Branchiostoma floridae] 3e-51; gi|126697376|gb|ABO26645.1|proteasome alpha type 2 [Haliotis discus discus] 6e-51; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.197522 | R-7 | 0.999868550105 | E-4 | 0.99995557791 | P25787 | Proteasome subunit alpha type-2 | gi|156387508|ref|XP_001634245.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 5e-129 |
other nr_hits | gi|999976130|gb|KXJ15304.1|Proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Exaiptasia pallida] 6e-124; gi|1005473725|ref|XP_015773662.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Acropora digitifera] 3e-119; gi|291241557|ref|XP_002740669.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 1e-113; gi|1126198096|ref|XP_019632247.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Branchiostoma belcheri] 3e-113; gi|1024922826|ref|XP_016338732.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2-like [Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis] 3e-112; gi|1025274910|ref|XP_016375638.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2-like [Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous] 4e-112; gi|831293884|ref|XP_012678601.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Clupea harengus] 7e-112; gi|1049207937|ref|XP_017550067.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [Pygocentrus nattereri] 9e-112; gi|66773056|ref|NP_001019612.1|proteasome alpha 2 subunit [Danio rerio] 9e-112; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.226335 | R-7 | 0.999868550105 | E-4 | 0.99995557791 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.28074 | R-7 | 0.999866398698 | E-7 | 0.996152338773 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.34884 | R-7 | 0.999866398698 | E-7 | 0.996152338773 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.78461 | R-7 | 0.999866398698 | E-7 | 0.996152338773 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | gi|156376783|ref|XP_001630538.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 7e-24 |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.78465 | R-7 | 0.999866398698 | E-7 | 0.996152338773 | Q7SYJ9 | Sperm-associated antigen 7 homolog | gi|156376783|ref|XP_001630538.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 4e-113 |
other nr_hits | gi|1005433322|ref|XP_015754210.1|PREDICTED: sperm-associated antigen 7 homolog [Acropora digitifera] 6e-61; gi|1079756579|ref|XP_018548125.1|PREDICTED: sperm-associated antigen 7 [Lates calcarifer] 3e-45; gi|225705984|gb|ACO08838.1|Sperm-associated antigen 7 [Osmerus mordax] 3e-45; gi|410915668|ref|XP_003971309.1|PREDICTED: sperm-associated antigen 7 [Takifugu rubripes] 6e-45; gi|928053741|ref|XP_013876111.1|PREDICTED: sperm-associated antigen 7 [Austrofundulus limnaeus] 2e-44; gi|831315405|ref|XP_012690313.1|PREDICTED: sperm-associated antigen 7 [Clupea harengus] 2e-44; gi|1143376003|ref|XP_019941792.1|PREDICTED: sperm-associated antigen 7 [Paralichthys olivaceus] 2e-44; gi|1101572572|ref|XP_018951947.1|PREDICTED: sperm-associated antigen 7 homolog isoform X1 [Cyprinus carpio] 2e-44; gi|1049239170|ref|XP_017558416.1|PREDICTED: sperm-associated antigen 7 [Pygocentrus nattereri] 2e-44; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.78466 | R-7 | 0.999866398698 | E-7 | 0.996152338773 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.93874 | R-7 | 0.999863720897 | E-7 | 0.987412497452 | Q9QUM9 | Proteasome subunit alpha type-6 | gi|156405260|ref|XP_001640650.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 2e-136 |
other nr_hits | gi|999975277|gb|KXJ14451.1|Proteasome subunit alpha type-6 [Exaiptasia pallida] 3e-128; gi|507530179|ref|XP_004649175.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 isoform X1 [Jaculus jaculus] 3e-117; gi|507628960|ref|XP_004698589.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 [Echinops telfairi] 3e-117; gi|617635040|ref|XP_007530301.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 [Erinaceus europaeus] 5e-117; gi|586452980|ref|XP_006835407.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 isoform X1 [Chrysochloris asiatica] 6e-117; gi|699673767|ref|XP_009901279.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 isoform X1 [Picoides pubescens] 6e-117; gi|350535503|ref|NP_001232198.1|proteasome subunit alpha type-6 [Taeniopygia guttata] 6e-117; gi|530583147|ref|XP_005285405.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 isoform X1 [Chrysemys picta bellii] 6e-117; gi|126283549|ref|XP_001363110.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 [Monodelphis domestica] 6e-117; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.93875 | R-7 | 0.999863720897 | E-7 | 0.987412497452 | Q9QUM9 | Proteasome subunit alpha type-6 | gi|156405260|ref|XP_001640650.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 2e-136 |
other nr_hits | gi|999975277|gb|KXJ14451.1|Proteasome subunit alpha type-6 [Exaiptasia pallida] 3e-128; gi|507530179|ref|XP_004649175.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 isoform X1 [Jaculus jaculus] 3e-117; gi|507628960|ref|XP_004698589.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 [Echinops telfairi] 3e-117; gi|617635040|ref|XP_007530301.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 [Erinaceus europaeus] 5e-117; gi|586452980|ref|XP_006835407.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 isoform X1 [Chrysochloris asiatica] 6e-117; gi|699673767|ref|XP_009901279.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 isoform X1 [Picoides pubescens] 6e-117; gi|350535503|ref|NP_001232198.1|proteasome subunit alpha type-6 [Taeniopygia guttata] 6e-117; gi|530583147|ref|XP_005285405.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 isoform X1 [Chrysemys picta bellii] 6e-117; gi|126283549|ref|XP_001363110.1|PREDICTED: proteasome subunit alpha type-6 [Monodelphis domestica] 6e-117; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.71607 | R-7 | 0.999862566504 | E-4 | 0.998075017776 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.106217 | R-7 | 0.999862566504 | E-4 | 0.998075017776 | F6P3G4 | 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A | gi|156355960|ref|XP_001623701.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 9e-195 |
other nr_hits | gi|260788951|ref|XP_002589512.1|hypothetical protein BRAFLDRAFT_125207 [Branchiostoma floridae] 5e-144; gi|1126185626|ref|XP_019625490.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A-like [Branchiostoma belcheri] 3e-143; gi|291232824|ref|XP_002736354.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 5e-143; gi|543378957|ref|XP_005532677.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Pseudopodoces humilis] 9e-139; gi|971434696|ref|XP_015154772.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Gallus gallus] 3e-138; gi|602629786|ref|XP_007421816.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Python bivittatus] 4e-138; gi|565315478|gb|ETE67357.1|26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11, partial [Ophiophagus hannah] 4e-138; gi|1003991000|ref|XP_015740997.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Coturnix japonica] 6e-138; gi|564258727|ref|XP_006268295.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Alligator mississippiensis] 7e-138; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.106209 | R-7 | 0.999862566504 | E-4 | 0.998075017776 | F6P3G4 | 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A | gi|156355960|ref|XP_001623701.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 9e-195 |
other nr_hits | gi|260788951|ref|XP_002589512.1|hypothetical protein BRAFLDRAFT_125207 [Branchiostoma floridae] 5e-144; gi|1126185626|ref|XP_019625490.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A-like [Branchiostoma belcheri] 3e-143; gi|291232824|ref|XP_002736354.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 5e-143; gi|543378957|ref|XP_005532677.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Pseudopodoces humilis] 9e-139; gi|971434696|ref|XP_015154772.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Gallus gallus] 3e-138; gi|602629786|ref|XP_007421816.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Python bivittatus] 4e-138; gi|565315478|gb|ETE67357.1|26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11, partial [Ophiophagus hannah] 4e-138; gi|1003991000|ref|XP_015740997.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Coturnix japonica] 6e-138; gi|564258727|ref|XP_006268295.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Alligator mississippiensis] 7e-138; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.106210 | R-7 | 0.999862566504 | E-4 | 0.998075017776 | F6P3G4 | 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A | gi|156355960|ref|XP_001623701.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 3e-47 |
other nr_hits | gi|999978182|gb|KXJ17356.1|26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A [Exaiptasia pallida] 3e-32; gi|1005426238|ref|XP_015750865.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11-like [Acropora digitifera] 7e-30; gi|543378957|ref|XP_005532677.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Pseudopodoces humilis] 9e-28; gi|1011611951|gb|KYO46609.1|26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Alligator mississippiensis] 3e-27; gi|1003991000|ref|XP_015740997.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Coturnix japonica] 3e-27; gi|1002572238|ref|XP_015687697.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Protobothrops mucrosquamatus] 3e-27; gi|971434696|ref|XP_015154772.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Gallus gallus] 3e-27; gi|927180692|ref|XP_013925928.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Thamnophis sirtalis] 3e-27; gi|729727797|ref|XP_010559633.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Haliaeetus leucocephalus] 3e-27; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.106211 | R-7 | 0.999862566504 | E-4 | 0.998075017776 | F6P3G4 | 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A | gi|156355960|ref|XP_001623701.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 9e-195 |
other nr_hits | gi|260788951|ref|XP_002589512.1|hypothetical protein BRAFLDRAFT_125207 [Branchiostoma floridae] 5e-144; gi|1126185626|ref|XP_019625490.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A-like [Branchiostoma belcheri] 3e-143; gi|291232824|ref|XP_002736354.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 5e-143; gi|543378957|ref|XP_005532677.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Pseudopodoces humilis] 9e-139; gi|971434696|ref|XP_015154772.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Gallus gallus] 3e-138; gi|602629786|ref|XP_007421816.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Python bivittatus] 4e-138; gi|565315478|gb|ETE67357.1|26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11, partial [Ophiophagus hannah] 4e-138; gi|1003991000|ref|XP_015740997.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Coturnix japonica] 6e-138; gi|564258727|ref|XP_006268295.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Alligator mississippiensis] 7e-138; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.106216 | R-7 | 0.999862566504 | E-4 | 0.998075017776 | F6P3G4 | 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A | gi|156355960|ref|XP_001623701.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 9e-195 |
other nr_hits | gi|260788951|ref|XP_002589512.1|hypothetical protein BRAFLDRAFT_125207 [Branchiostoma floridae] 5e-144; gi|1126185626|ref|XP_019625490.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A-like [Branchiostoma belcheri] 3e-143; gi|291232824|ref|XP_002736354.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11A-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 5e-143; gi|543378957|ref|XP_005532677.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Pseudopodoces humilis] 9e-139; gi|971434696|ref|XP_015154772.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Gallus gallus] 3e-138; gi|602629786|ref|XP_007421816.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Python bivittatus] 4e-138; gi|565315478|gb|ETE67357.1|26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11, partial [Ophiophagus hannah] 4e-138; gi|1003991000|ref|XP_015740997.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Coturnix japonica] 6e-138; gi|564258727|ref|XP_006268295.1|PREDICTED: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [Alligator mississippiensis] 7e-138; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.24436 | R-7 | 0.999862401104 | E-5 | 0.999813011986 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.81720 | R-7 | 0.999862401104 | E-5 | 0.999813011986 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.81721 | R-7 | 0.999862401104 | E-5 | 0.999813011986 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.81722 | R-7 | 0.999862401104 | E-5 | 0.999813011986 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.119169 | R-7 | 0.999862401104 | E-5 | 0.999813011986 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.130537 | R-7 | 0.999862401104 | E-5 | 0.999813011986 | Q9W1V3 | rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin | gi|156380891|ref|XP_001632000.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 6e-39 |
other nr_hits | gi|999975897|gb|KXJ15071.1|rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin [Exaiptasia pallida] 7e-38; gi|929361623|ref|XP_014090264.1|PREDICTED: rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin [Bactrocera oleae] 1e-36; gi|1131328392|gb|JAV14552.1|putative fibrillarin, partial [Haematobia irritans] 2e-36; gi|1131328496|gb|JAV14604.1|putative fibrillarin, partial [Haematobia irritans] 2e-36; gi|1131328578|gb|JAV14645.1|putative fibrillarin, partial [Haematobia irritans] 2e-36; gi|1131328582|gb|JAV14647.1|putative fibrillarin, partial [Haematobia irritans] 2e-36; gi|1131328580|gb|JAV14646.1|putative fibrillarin, partial [Haematobia irritans] 2e-36; gi|156544510|ref|XP_001605723.1|PREDICTED: rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin [Nasonia vitripennis] 2e-36; gi|907691461|ref|XP_013108243.1|PREDICTED: rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin [Stomoxys calcitrans] 2e-36; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.130539 | R-7 | 0.999862401104 | E-5 | 0.999813011986 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.130540 | R-7 | 0.999862401104 | E-5 | 0.999813011986 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.130541 | R-7 | 0.999862401104 | E-5 | 0.999813011986 | Q9W1V3 | rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin | gi|156380891|ref|XP_001632000.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 1e-131 |
other nr_hits | gi|999975897|gb|KXJ15071.1|rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin [Exaiptasia pallida] 4e-123; gi|604788087|gb|JAC16490.1|putative fibrillarin, partial [Triatoma infestans] 2e-118; gi|925204893|gb|JAI54507.1|putative fibrillarin, partial [Rhodnius neglectus] 2e-117; gi|965553475|gb|JAP03015.1|putative fibrillarin, partial [Triatoma dimidiata] 7e-117; gi|1006092058|gb|JAQ00614.1|rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin [Lygus hesperus] 7e-117; gi|732578451|gb|JAG04649.1|rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin, partial [Lygus hesperus] 7e-117; gi|939632541|ref|XP_014285159.1|PREDICTED: rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin isoform X1 [Halyomorpha halys] 2e-116; gi|939632543|ref|XP_014285167.1|PREDICTED: rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin isoform X2 [Halyomorpha halys] 2e-116; gi|1101370412|ref|XP_018916580.1|PREDICTED: rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin [Bemisia tabaci] 2e-116; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.130542 | R-7 | 0.999862401104 | E-5 | 0.999813011986 | Q9W1V3 | rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin | gi|156380891|ref|XP_001632000.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 1e-131 |
other nr_hits | gi|999975897|gb|KXJ15071.1|rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin [Exaiptasia pallida] 4e-123; gi|604788087|gb|JAC16490.1|putative fibrillarin, partial [Triatoma infestans] 2e-118; gi|925204893|gb|JAI54507.1|putative fibrillarin, partial [Rhodnius neglectus] 2e-117; gi|965553475|gb|JAP03015.1|putative fibrillarin, partial [Triatoma dimidiata] 7e-117; gi|1006092058|gb|JAQ00614.1|rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin [Lygus hesperus] 7e-117; gi|732578451|gb|JAG04649.1|rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin, partial [Lygus hesperus] 7e-117; gi|939632541|ref|XP_014285159.1|PREDICTED: rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin isoform X1 [Halyomorpha halys] 2e-116; gi|939632543|ref|XP_014285167.1|PREDICTED: rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin isoform X2 [Halyomorpha halys] 2e-116; gi|1101370412|ref|XP_018916580.1|PREDICTED: rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin [Bemisia tabaci] 2e-116; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.130538 | R-7 | 0.999862401104 | E-5 | 0.999813011986 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.73036 | R-7 | 0.999861226993 | E-7 | 0.999999897367 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.73037 | R-7 | 0.999861226993 | E-7 | 0.999999897367 | A6H6W9 | Sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3 | gi|156394077|ref|XP_001636653.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 1e-90 |
other nr_hits | gi|999981166|gb|KXJ20340.1|Sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3 [Exaiptasia pallida] 6e-43; gi|1005450424|ref|XP_015762407.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3-like [Acropora digitifera] 1e-31; gi|291232125|ref|XP_002735995.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 5e-19; gi|675374723|gb|KFM67625.1|hypothetical protein X975_20218, partial [Stegodyphus mimosarum] 3e-18; gi|1009567071|ref|XP_015915963.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3-like isoform X1 [Parasteatoda tepidariorum] 3e-17; gi|1009567073|ref|XP_015915964.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3-like isoform X2 [Parasteatoda tepidariorum] 3e-17; gi|762105785|ref|XP_011435466.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3 isoform X2 [Crassostrea gigas] 3e-17; gi|762105783|ref|XP_011435465.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3 isoform X1 [Crassostrea gigas] 4e-17; gi|926640369|ref|XP_013786279.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3-like isoform X1 [Limulus polyphemus] 5e-17; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.73038 | R-7 | 0.999861226993 | E-7 | 0.999999897367 | A6H6W9 | Sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3 | gi|156394077|ref|XP_001636653.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 2e-204 |
other nr_hits | gi|999981166|gb|KXJ20340.1|Sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3 [Exaiptasia pallida] 7e-125; gi|1005450424|ref|XP_015762407.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3-like [Acropora digitifera] 1e-108; gi|926640371|ref|XP_013786280.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3-like isoform X2 [Limulus polyphemus] 2e-73; gi|919005775|ref|XP_013385371.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3-like isoform X4 [Lingula anatina] 1e-72; gi|1009567071|ref|XP_015915963.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3-like isoform X1 [Parasteatoda tepidariorum] 3e-72; gi|632962326|ref|XP_007897253.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3 isoform X2 [Callorhinchus milii] 3e-72; gi|831483487|ref|XP_012734767.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3 isoform X1 [Fundulus heteroclitus] 9e-72; gi|1009567073|ref|XP_015915964.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3-like isoform X2 [Parasteatoda tepidariorum] 1e-71; gi|1131189357|ref|XP_019833299.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3 isoform X1 [Bos indicus] 1e-71; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.73039 | R-7 | 0.999861226993 | E-7 | 0.999999897367 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | gi|156394077|ref|XP_001636653.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 2e-46 |
other nr_hits | gi|999981166|gb|KXJ20340.1|Sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3 [Exaiptasia pallida] 3e-08; gi|1005450424|ref|XP_015762407.1|PREDICTED: sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex component SDS3-like [Acropora digitifera] 4e-06; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.92978 | R-7 | 0.999860287994 | E-4 | 0.999779355711 | Q2KJG3 | Asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic | gi|156387361|ref|XP_001634172.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 9e-263 |
other nr_hits | gi|999976519|gb|KXJ15693.1|Asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic [Exaiptasia pallida] 6e-251; gi|1005491974|ref|XP_015748660.1|PREDICTED: LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic-like [Acropora digitifera] 3e-246; gi|1005435358|ref|XP_015755191.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic-like [Acropora digitifera] 5e-244; gi|1126188340|ref|XP_019626981.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic-like [Branchiostoma belcheri] 5e-229; gi|1042304622|ref|XP_017348707.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic isoform X1 [Ictalurus punctatus] 6e-225; gi|1042304624|ref|XP_017348708.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic isoform X2 [Ictalurus punctatus] 6e-225; gi|443726020|gb|ELU13362.1|hypothetical protein CAPTEDRAFT_148401 [Capitella teleta] 2e-224; gi|957828190|ref|XP_014663965.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic-like isoform X2 [Priapulus caudatus] 7e-223; gi|957828188|ref|XP_014663964.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic-like isoform X1 [Priapulus caudatus] 9e-223; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.92982 | R-7 | 0.999860287994 | E-4 | 0.999779355711 | Q2KJG3 | Asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic | gi|156387361|ref|XP_001634172.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 1e-254 |
other nr_hits | gi|999976519|gb|KXJ15693.1|Asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic [Exaiptasia pallida] 3e-253; gi|1005435358|ref|XP_015755191.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic-like [Acropora digitifera] 4e-246; gi|1005491974|ref|XP_015748660.1|PREDICTED: LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic-like [Acropora digitifera] 7e-245; gi|1126188340|ref|XP_019626981.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic-like [Branchiostoma belcheri] 2e-228; gi|1042304622|ref|XP_017348707.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic isoform X1 [Ictalurus punctatus] 6e-225; gi|1042304624|ref|XP_017348708.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic isoform X2 [Ictalurus punctatus] 6e-225; gi|443726020|gb|ELU13362.1|hypothetical protein CAPTEDRAFT_148401 [Capitella teleta] 3e-224; gi|573876771|ref|XP_006626651.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic [Lepisosteus oculatus] 3e-222; gi|957828188|ref|XP_014663964.1|PREDICTED: asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic-like isoform X1 [Priapulus caudatus] 1e-221; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.98356 | R-7 | 0.999860287994 | E-4 | 0.999779355711 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.98359 | R-7 | 0.999860287994 | E-4 | 0.999779355711 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.98361 | R-7 | 0.999860287994 | E-4 | 0.999779355711 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA | ||||||
NvERTx.4.133026 | R-7 | 0.999860242708 | E-1 | 0.999999999614 | Q6NS26 | Threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase | gi|156382226|ref|XP_001632455.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 0e+00 |
other nr_hits | gi|1126207820|ref|XP_019637551.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase-like [Branchiostoma belcheri] 3e-213; gi|762123564|ref|XP_011444766.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase [Crassostrea gigas] 4e-209; gi|919026539|ref|XP_013397048.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase-like [Lingula anatina] 6e-209; gi|291238003|ref|XP_002738926.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 9e-207; gi|1061098395|ref|XP_017875891.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase [Ceratina calcarata] 2e-204; gi|831312951|ref|XP_012688992.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase [Clupea harengus] 5e-204; gi|556981931|ref|XP_005997354.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase isoform X1 [Latimeria chalumnae] 5e-204; gi|828218179|ref|XP_012560886.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase-like [Hydra vulgaris] 1e-203; gi|558156639|ref|XP_006121893.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase isoform X1 [Pelodiscus sinensis] 2e-203; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.133027 | R-7 | 0.999860242708 | E-1 | 0.999999999614 | Q6NS26 | Threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase | gi|156382226|ref|XP_001632455.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 7e-29 |
other nr_hits | gi|908401853|ref|XP_013072253.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase-like [Biomphalaria glabrata] 5e-06; gi|291238003|ref|XP_002738926.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 6e-06; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.133028 | R-7 | 0.999860242708 | E-1 | 0.999999999614 | Q6NS26 | Threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase | gi|156382226|ref|XP_001632455.1|predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis], 5e-298 |
other nr_hits | gi|1126207820|ref|XP_019637551.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase-like [Branchiostoma belcheri] 6e-199; gi|762123564|ref|XP_011444766.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase [Crassostrea gigas] 6e-194; gi|919026539|ref|XP_013397048.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase-like [Lingula anatina] 4e-193; gi|291238003|ref|XP_002738926.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase-like [Saccoglossus kowalevskii] 2e-192; gi|556981931|ref|XP_005997354.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase isoform X1 [Latimeria chalumnae] 2e-189; gi|1061098395|ref|XP_017875891.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase [Ceratina calcarata] 3e-189; gi|831312951|ref|XP_012688992.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase [Clupea harengus] 5e-189; gi|558156639|ref|XP_006121893.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase isoform X1 [Pelodiscus sinensis] 4e-188; gi|558156656|ref|XP_006121897.1|PREDICTED: threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase isoform X2 [Pelodiscus sinensis] 4e-188; | ||||||
NvERTx.4.133029 | R-7 | 0.999860242708 | E-1 | 0.999999999614 | No_Uniprotmatch | No_Description | None |
other nr_hits | NA |